I am reading other blogs too. I know most of you reading my blog have never read a blog before. There is one in particular I'm reading, http://fedupwithschoollunch.blogspot.com/ that is written by a teacher who has decided to eat her school lunch every day for all of 2010. It's an interesting and very approachable look at what we're feeling our elementary school children for lunch. There are guest bloggers in this blog (I may do this eventually, with my husband). Today there was a guest blogger writting about the awful things they feed to her toddler in pre-school. I'm nodding along at how horrible it is to feed them ice cream sandwiches and hamburgers... only to finally stop and look at the snack I'm eating while reading this. Mom, don't yell at me. Flavor Blasted Slammin' Sour Cream & Onion Goldfish Crackers. Yes, this is one of those foods that yesterday made me feel awful through the afternoon. And yet, here I sit eating them.
To be fair, I'm still pretty exhausted and I don't get to the store very often. But my lunch is ok. I have a red pepper, a tomato and 3 hard boiled eggs. Not exactly balanced, but it's fresh anyway. But I can't always claim that I even eat that well. Somehow, in the next 6 months I need to get my life together enough to manage the normal parts of a house and learn how to feed a child. The main solution to the school lunch problem is that parents make their children lunch. I did not grow up with a model for that. I have no idea how one manages to prepare food for someone else every day and still do all the other things that need doing in life. I ate school lunch for 12 years. And yes, I was one of those kids that ate cheese fries and a cookie through most of middle school (sorry mom). How do I pick up these good habits to pass on to my kids when I don't even have them right now for myself.
When I have leftovers, I usually eat those for lunch. That's one good way to go. My husband eats out roughly 18-19 weekdays a month (assuming a month has 20 weekdays). I don't want to spend the time, money or energy on that. So I scrounge my house and take random food some of the time. I also have a stock of soup and other easy to microwave foods. And sometimes I do buy things like hot pockets from the vending machine at work.
Right now, I'm a little overwhelmed.
Days Pregnant: 91
Days to go: 189
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