Sunday, October 23, 2011

21 week weight update

I love that I kept a record in my last pregnancy. And I love that I had the same kind of thoughts at roughly the same point in pregnancy.

So I'm about 21 weeks (got updated at my last ultrasound, new due date March 5), and I'm still down 6 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost roughly the same 10 lbs in each pregnancy during the first 12 weeks, but last time I had gained it all back by now. But my doctor isn't concerned about my weight gain.

And I do know what the gender is, but I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks telling people in person first, because that's more fun!

Days Pregnant: 147
Days to go: 133

1 comment:

  1. This is weird. I used to follow your blog when I was pregnant first time around because we were both due in October. I have been redoing by blog because I'm due again and checked in on you to find we're due on the same month again!!
    AND we both just posted 1sy pregnancy vs. 2nd pregnancy pictures.

    Check out my blog and keep in touch: (that's the new blog that's getting updated)
